Message from the President

Have you ever seen a bird's eye view of the Earth at night from space? Japan, where we live, looks so bright and shiny that you can clearly see its shape, but overall, you can see that there are still many places shrouded in darkness. Even today, when civilization is so advanced, it is said that about 20% of the entire population lives in unelectrified areas.
More than a decade ago, I was shown a picture of such an area and told, "Japan is shining, but there are dark areas such as China. I joined Eiki Shoji because I sympathized with the words of the owner who said, "Japan is shining, but there are dark places such as China, and I want to make them shine with my power.
In order to fulfill this dream of "making the earth shine," we have continued to focus on environmentally friendly businesses. For example, we have developed our global reuse business of used PCs and solar panels while strengthening our relationships of trust with our overseas network, especially in the Chinese market. We are proud of the fact that we have been able to make substantial environmental and social contributions through our corporate activities, not just a slogan.
Nowadays, creating a sustainable society, such as the SDGs and sustainability, has become a keyword around the world. There is even a social tendency that companies that cannot meet the demands of society will not be able to grow their business. However, we have been focusing on this issue for the past 20 years and have been steadily accumulating experience. We will continue to make use of this accumulated know-how to make the Earth shine even brighter.